Rockwool / Stonewool Starter Cubes



Rockwool Cubes are ideal for starting seeds and cuttings, promoting root development for healthy strong plants.
  • Perfect for Seed Starting
  • Promotes healthy root development
  • Consistent pH and EC Levels
  • Good air circulation around the roots

Stronger, healthier root systems, promotes overall plant growth.

Rockwool Starter Cubes

Rockwool Starter Cubes

Ideal for Starting Seeds

Rockwool cubes provide excellent water retention and aeration properties. They are an ideal substrate for starting seeds, rooting cuttings, and growing young plants before transplanting them into larger systems or containers. The cubes provide a stable structure for plant roots to anchor themselves and access water and nutrients.

Seed Starting
Seed Starting
Young Plant Growth
Young Plant Growth
Cloning or Cuttings
Cloning or Cuttings
Ideal for Starting Seeds
Rockwool Cube Rooting

Promotes Root Development

The structure of rockwool cubes encourages root growth by providing a stable medium for roots to anchor and spread. This results in stronger, healthier root systems, which are crucial for overall plant growth.

Healthier Root Systems
Healthier Root Systems
Stable Medium
Stable Medium

Perfect Aeration

The porous nature of rockwool allows for good air circulation around the roots. This prevents waterlogging and promotes oxygen exchange, which is essential for root health and growth.

Prevents Waterlogging
Prevents Waterlogging
Promotes Healthier Root Growth
Promotes Healthier Root Growth
Rockwool Perfect Aeration

"Rockwool" Vs Other Mediums

Rockwool Other Medium
Excellent Water Retention cross tick
Excellent Aeration cross tick
Consistent pH & EC cross tick
Uniform Structure cross tick
Promotes Root Development cross tick
Versatile cross tick
Compact Growth

Excellent Water Retention

Rockwool cubes have a high water-holding capacity, which helps maintain consistent moisture levels around seedlings. This promotes healthy root development and reduces the risk of underwatering.

Consistent pH and EC Levels

Rockwool cubes are pH-neutral and have low electrical conductivity (EC) levels initially. This provides a blank canvas for growers to control the nutrient solution's pH and EC precisely according to the needs of the specific plant varieties being grown.

Rockwool Cube Seedling
Optimal Medium for Seed germination

Uniform Structure

Rockwool cubes have a consistent structure, which ensures uniform water distribution and nutrient availability to all seedlings. This can lead to more even and predictable growth.

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